Oggi è conclusa la selezione italiana della Bandai Action Kit Universal Cup, contest di modellismo statico dedicato a Gundam e organizzato in collaborazione fra la Bandai e la Hobby Media. Il vincitore di quest’anno è Omar Zampetti con il diorama che vedete nell’immagine. Omar ha vinto un biglietto più soggiorno a Hong Kong e la possibilità di affrontare i finalisti degli altri 13 paesi partecipanti al BAKUC. Insieme all’Italia, rappresentata da Omar, fra i paesi che si sfideranno troviamo la Cina, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Corea, Malesia, Filippine, Singapore, Taiwan, Tailandia, Usa, Canada e Francia. La finale si terrà il 26 dicembre durante il Gundam Expo di Hong Kong.
Alcune scatti fotografici raffiguranti alcune delle castomizzazioni autocostruite da Omar sui modelli originali Bandai prima della colorazione.
Frankie, I understand you’re merely hosting the photos, but do let this copycat know that we’re well aware of his copying of other people’s work and not even giving the proper credits for his inspiration.
(btw we at hobby media are just hosting these photos as we did not make this mod).
Do you feel proud in your work? By copying what other has done? Shamless!!!
This is a twin born one year later than the origin.
dam u shameless freak,knn la still got face to copy 99.9999% of orange’s work and say its yours.
This is not correct. You copied totally everything and claim it for yourself. Shameless….
Copy whole sale and you dare to call it your own !?
Priceless similar to how you guys copied the ancient chinese’s flat pan cakes and rename it with a fancy name as pizza !
Think you’ll get away with copying someone else’s work? Welcome to the internet…
This is a real shame! You took the concept of Orange’s work and called it your own!
There is no pride in the fact that you copied someone’s work almost to the last mod and never even bothered to credit the source of your inspiration!
Even the base is copied!!!
OMG copied??
The mods are almost the same!!!!!!
Nice work. Is it completely original?